dah lama tak update tips2 bisness kat sini..
InsyaAllah sempena tahun baru,butik baru,tempat baru..i will continue writing some tips for mothers cum online business owners.Last year i tak sempat sambung on the tips & tricks berkerja online with your children at home,ni satu cabaran yg besar..kpd yg ada baby below 2 years old lagilah mencabarkan...
My boutique kat bangi dah launch,dah ada customers coming in,Alhamdullillah
For the time being semuanya kena handle sorang2,online & offline..huhuhu,cam nak patah tulang belakang...
Dlm masa seminggu beroperasi ni i noticed ada one major different between selling online & offline...
apa tu?yup betul...niaga offline kena pandai communicate dgn customer,reaction muka kita kena jaga,tak leh tunjuk tensen2,banyak kena habis kan air liur...niaga online penat jari jemari menaip...hehehehe
Satu lagi,niaga offline ni duit kecik utk change time jual-beli amat penting...time niaga online 100% tak perlu nak fkir2 bab2 ni kan...tup2 check maybank2u duit dah masuk...
orait nanti sambung...
To view the complete collections,visit my online boutique at
This blog is for sharing tips & ideas on fashions,slimming,fitness and business.
However I will update here for any New Arrivals uploaded to my website.Have a pleasant reading and happy shopping!!